


Beyond the dark side of transformation

+ introduction to The Field Leadership Course

JANUARY 27, 2022 / 17.30 - 19.30

If you don't understand how we let go of the old and transform into something new, your organisation will not survive in the future. Navigating human dynamics will distinguish top leaders from average leaders.

Founding partner – Jakob Møller Beck – introduces the The Field Leadership Course.

Designing, leading and performing with a deep understanding of human dynamics is no longer an option. We must lean how to let go of the old and truly become something new.

In this session we will help you get started. We will build your understanding of how personal transformation ties into organisational transformation, why you should be strategic about human dynamics and how you can make transformational leadership competencies a part of your core leadership curriculum.

The Field Leadership Course (FLC) builds your capacity as a leader to address all sorts of transformation. From building a truly agile culture, to fostering innovation and to forming high performance teams.

Founding partner – Jakob Møller Beck – introduces the The Field Leadership Course.

Session takeaways

About the speaker

Jakob has been working with business and personal transformation for over 12 years supporting leaders from both Fortune 500s, SMEs and scale-ups. His experience range from coaching to consulting on operational governance and facilitation of large scale culture transformations.

Serving clients both in the US and Europe Jakob facilitates breakthrough performance by helping each leader move through fear, foster honest conversations and build commitment, accountability and choice.

Who is this for?


Date & location


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